The month of Love.

By Sarah Davila - 9:58 PM

With February creeping up around the corner . . .well this weekend actually, I thought I'd put a compilation of Valentine Favs together as well as some things I think are cute to give or receive. I always like to remind people that Valentine's isn't just for couples or married folks... it can be for anyone; you can get your girlfriends together, go with your mom if it's just y'all two, your dad vis-versa. . your grandma. . anyone! It's a day about love about being with who you love, no matter who it is. Show them you appreciate them, show them you care about them, whether it's a gift or just some flowers, a balloon or chocolates. It's a day about being reminded to be kind to everyone, smile, and cheer someone up, because most people "hate" this holiday because they may be alone or heartbroken and think in a negative way because this holiday is focused on couples... but I wish people wouldn't see it that way. 
1.) Clear Heart Cups - Target
2.) Lingerie - can get some anywhere! :-)
3.) Red Pumps - Forever 21
4.) Pink Lipstick - Sephora
5.) Heart Ring - Nastygal.com
6.) iPhone Heart Case - Modcloth.com
7.) M&M's - anywhere!

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