Weekly Thanks!

By Sarah Davila - 3:46 PM

So back then (many years ago), I would think about all the things in the past week that made me either smile, feel thankful, or made my week just a little bit better! Sometimes we're so wrapped up with problems and the big picture, we forget to give thanks to the little things that make our week just a tad bit better! I want to start this up again, and name at least five things that made me feel thankful or smile... so here I go!

Thanks for Jan. 8 - 14, 2o17

Getting planner stickers to get a more organized glance at my week!
+ having a chance to get another interview for a teaching position & becoming THAT much more confident in the interview!
+  spending the weekend with Elias' family for his nieces birthday & eating yummy food + cake!
+ having Friday's off!!
+ finding another pair of Ray-ban look alikes, because my old pair broke and I never found a nice pair... thank you Target!

What made you smile this week? 


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