Lately my life has felt like a whirlwind of work, school, studying, and probably making more time for Netflix than I should. I literally haven't had a day off and at times I feel almost like I'm about to fall down and not be able to go on. I feel VERY sleep deprived, and exhausted, but keep telling myself being weak gets you no where, hard work all the way!
I recently got Netflix, and it was probably the worst decision for me, because I can keep off it, and I'm finding myself watching any chance I get of 'The Office' ...too addicting!
Besides school and too much Netflix, it was my managers birthday this past weekend and we all went out to dinner, then went out after, had fun.
Also, today was National Coffee Day, as an ex-barista, I became immune to coffee, but now not being around it 24/7 makes me appreciate it a little more.
I'm going out of town this weekend up to Austin to catch some ACL after shows, should be fun, will probably catch up with friends up there, and get a few drinks, should be fun.
Elias and I are doing fantastic, he recently got a new job, which is wonderful for him, but it also causes me to see him way less, which is a little heart-breaking, but the days we do get to see each other, it makes it more worth it.
All is well.